Simple Java Xml to POJO mapping/binding? -

i'm trying figure out simplest way map xml file to plain old java object.

note: in example xml doesn't quite match intended pojo.

///////// xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <animal>   <standardname>     <name>cat</name>   </standardname>   <standardversion>     <versionidentifier>v02.00</versionidentifier>   </standardversion> </animal>   ////// intended pojo class animal {  private string name;  private string versionidentifier; } 

regular jaxb (with annotations) won't work jaxm element name annotations don't allow me specifiy nested elements. (i.e. standardname/name).

i've looked @ jibx seems overly complicated, , no full examples provided want do.

castro seems able want (using mapping files), wonder if there other possible solutions. (possibly allow me skip mapping files, , allow me specify in annotations).


this article may you... requires know xpath


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