linux - Is there a lower level interface than `std::process::Command` to execute a single string as a process? -

is there equivalent in rust like:"/bin/bash ln -s /dir1 /dir2"); 

i want ability spawn process using string expression similar 1 use in ptty.

the utility i've found doing std::process::command, it's not documented , seems complex , hard debug.

there in rust, how invoke system command , capture output? gives std::process::command answer, hence why specified finding possible option. however, i'm looking lower level interface make std::process::command execute single string query rather forcing me feed arguments 1 one.

no, there no such thing available in standard library. mentioned in comments, command is lower level interface. shells , other tools take single string have exceedingly clever parsing of string in order split pieces. parsing non-trivial , may differ between shells!

you can write own simplified parser, of course:

use std::process::command;  fn main() {     let args = "ls -l /etc /tmp";     let args: vec<_> = args.split(" ").collect();      let output = command::new(args[0])         .args(&args[1..])         .output()         .expect("couldn't run it");      println!("{:?}", ::std::str::from_utf8(&output.stdout));     println!("{:?}", ::std::str::from_utf8(&output.stderr)); } 

but it's not documented

i'm biased, don't understand how more documented. every useful method has prose describing , examples demonstrating it.

and seems complex

i'm not sure why; perhaps amount of choice overwhelming, realistically control needed.

and hard debug.

i'm not sure debugging needs done — either code compile or not, execute or not. compiler errors useful, runtime errors of nature depend on os.


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