java.util.scanner - Java scanner multiple/several delimiter conditions -

i have problem in finding right way city1, city 2 , distance without "km", using scanner , delimiter. need text in bold.
string (example):

city1, country; city2, country; 145 km

my delimitar far because have no idea:


i tried using string.split("") without success.

should first devide in 3 parts on ";" , new delimitar each part? or there easier way?

thanks in advance

(edit explain difference post: tried regex, no luck. need split string on multiple places on different characters. wouldn't ask question if i'm able solve post.)

you can use combination of scanner , string#split:

string source = "city1, country; city2, country; 145 km"; scanner scanner = new scanner(source); scanner.usedelimiter(";");  while (scanner.hasnext()) {     // trim() removes leading , trailing whitespace     string line =;     // split line on either ',' or space     string[] split = line.split(",|\\s");     // print first word     system.out.println(split[0]); } 


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