It's possible to run docker container and a spring boot application at the same time in maven? -

i have spring boot application connects mongodb instance. mongodb instance use docker, use maven docker plugin fabric8. have configuration:

       <plugin>             <groupid>io.fabric8</groupid>             <artifactid>docker-maven-plugin</artifactid>             <version>0.21.0</version>             <configuration>                 <logdate>default</logdate>                 <autopull>true</autopull>                 <images>                     <image>                         <name>mongo:3.0.15</name>                         <run>                             <ports>                                 <port>27018:27017</port>                             </ports>                             <wait>                                 <log>(?s)database system ready accept connections.*database system ready accept connections</log>                                 <time>40000</time>                             </wait>                             <log>                                 <prefix>mongo-container</prefix>                                 <color>yellow</color>                             </log>                         </run>                     </image>                 </images>             </configuration>         </plugin> 

it works if run mvn docker:start , in other terminal mvn spring-boot:run.

what want know if it's possible create maven configuration run on single command mvn docker:start spring-boot:run.



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