php boolean value as argument throws encoding error -

when try put boolean value parameter in functionc call, missing property

// try orders try {     $order = new order($auth_login, $auth_password, $live_mode);     $orders = $order->findordersbysubscriptionid($sessionid, $subscriptionid, (bool) false); } catch (exception $e) {     var_dump($e); } 

this gives error:

soapfault object (     [message:protected] => soap-error: encoding: object has no 'onlyongoing' property         array             (                 [0] => array                     (                         [session] => 12345                         [subscriptionid] => 30520                         [onlyongoing] =>                      )              )      )  ) 

i have tried (instead of (bool) false):

false, false, false

none work!


i looked through orders , found part:

public function findordersbysubscriptionid($session, $subscriptionid, $onlyongoing) {     try {         $result = $this->client->findordersbysubscriptionid(array("session" => $session, "subscriptionid" => $subscriptionid, "onlyongoing" => $onlyongoing));         return $result;     } catch (except $e) {         return array("error" => $e->getmessage());     } } 

where changed "onlyongoing" => $onlyongoing "onlyongoing" => $onlyongoing.

now error (i changed output print_r var_dump):

object(soapfault)#2668 (10) { ["message":protected]=> string(58) "soap-error: encoding: object has no 'onlyongoing' property" ["trace":"exception":private]=> array(6) {     [0]=>     array(6) {         [0]=>         string(26) "findordersbysubscriptionid"         [1]=>         array(1) {         [0]=>         array(3) {             ["session"]=>             string(36) "4d398084-9b08-38a3-362e-880111364dd8"             ["subscriptionid"]=>             int(30520)             ["onlyongoing"]=>             bool(false)         }         }     }     } } 


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