Accessing data in a php multi-dimensional array -

i have multi-dimensional array , php seems returning array instead of value when attempt access values directly. doing cause this?

the array looks (via print_r):

array (  [12] => array ( [2016] => 93083.00 [2015] => 85367.00 [2014] => 69726.00 )  [11] => array ( [2016] => 66730.00 [2015] => 65548.00 [2014] => 77936.00 )  [10] => array ( [2016] => 84602.00 [2015] => 112070.00 [2014] => 102104.00 )  ) 

i'm trying access values using $arrayname[12][2016] returning array[2016] instead of 93083.

is simple syntax mistake? or missing part of concept here? i've been trying work problem hours maybe i'm missing simple explanation.

edit: syntax above correct, issue in data entry: trying access key didn't exist. tried delete post, can't since has been answered.

$arrayname[12] = [2016=>93083.00,  2015=> 85367.00 ]      ...     ...     echo $arrayname[12][2015] ; // prints 85367 

i think array has 1 more level. try $arrayname[12][2016][2016] .


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