java - How can I get the bean of a property file in Spring-Boot? -

i need play around keys of property file. key dynamic, need bean of property file mentioned below current running spring application.

spring configuration:

<bean id="multiplewriterlocations" class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.propertiesfactorybean">         <property name="ignoreresourcenotfound" value="true" />         <property name="locations">             <list>                 <value></value>                 <value>file:config/</value>             </list>         </property>     </bean> 

java code:

properties prop = appcontext.getbean("multiplewriterlocations") 

i need same properties bean instance in spring-boot. need transform existing spring application spring-boot without changing functionalities.

one way properties file value using @propertysource(), in case need key name. in case, key name not known , need fetch keyset properties bean.

you can use @importresource("classpath:config.xml") config.xml contains propertiesfactorybean above, , autowire @springbootapplication or @configuration class.

@springbootapplication @importresource("classpath:config.xml") public class app {     public app(propertiesfactorybean multiplewriterlocations) throws ioexception {         // access properties populated         properties properties = multiplewriterlocations.getobject();         system.out.println(properties);     }      public static void main(string[] args) {, args);     } } 


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