Converting JSON from URL to CSV with PHP -

when run code below results in first row in long list of columns containing text array.

i've used $decoded = json_decode($json_file, true); indicate want arrays instead of objects i'm not sure issue is.

should using bracket or arrow notation somewhere specify want array values?

$json_file = file_get_contents('', false);  $decoded = json_decode($json_file, true);  $fp = fopen('output.csv', 'w'); foreach($decoded $comment) {     fputcsv($fp, $comment); } fclose($fp); 

here small snippet of json. looks way through:

{     "rows": [{         "columns": [{             "name": "clientid",             "value": "1839",             "type": "xs:int",             "format": ""         }, {             "name": "campaignid",             "value": "25646",             "type": "xs:int",             "format": ""         }, {             "name": "campaignstatus",             "value": "live",             "type": "xs:string",             "format": ""         }, {             "name": "campaignname",             "value": "template donation litle",             "type": "xs:string",             "format": ""         }, {             "name": "campaignexportname",             "value": "template donation litle",             "type": "xs:string",             "format": ""         }, {             "name": "description",             "value": "/donate/template/litle",             "type": "xs:string",             "format": ""         }]     }, {         "columns": [{             "name": "clientid",             "value": "1839",             "type": "xs:int",             "format": ""         }, {             "name": "campaignid",             "value": "25812",             "type": "xs:int",             "format": ""         }, {             "name": "campaignstatus",             "value": "live",             "type": "xs:string",             "format": ""         }, {             "name": "campaignname",             "value": "monthly only",             "type": "xs:string",             "format": ""         }, {             "name": "campaignexportname",             "value": "monthly only",             "type": "xs:string",             "format": ""         }, {             "name": "description",             "value": "a donation receipt emailed address submitted. donation tax-deductible fullest extent of law.",             "type": "xs:string",             "format": ""         }]     }] } 

your array deeper , values need extracted:

foreach($decoded['rows'] $row) {     $values = array_column($row['columns'], 'value');     fputcsv($fp, $values); } 

if want names/headers in first row need before loop:

$headers = array_column($decoded['rows'][0]['columns'], 'name'); fputcsv($fp, $headers); 


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