reactjs - I cannot clear input on submitting form -

i using reactjs coupled redux-form.

and using semantic ui react library

when want submit form, don't want page refreshed. instead want reset form after submission.

unfortunately, can't clear input whereas set state void value.

/** form component **/    <form onsubmit={handlesubmit(this.handlesubmitaction)}>          <field name="input" component={rendertitleinput} onchangeaction={this.handleinputchange} defaultvalue={this.state.input} />            <input type="submit"  name="submit" />        </form>                          /** handlesubmit function **/    handlesubmitaction = (e) => {    this.setstate({input:''})  }

the field remain filled after submitting form.

any suggestion ? thanks

what created uncontrolled component, means update must handled through dom. need add refattribute access dom element in form submit callback. here changes need make.

<form onsubmit={handlesubmit(this.handlesubmitaction)}>     <field name="input" component={rendertitleinput} onchangeaction={this.handleinputchange} defaultvalue={this.state.input} ref={(input) => this.input = input} />       <input type="submit"  name="submit" /> </form> /** handlesubmit function **/  handlesubmitaction = (e) => {   // can used when using controlled component.    //this.setstate({input:''})   this.input.val = ''; } 

but maybe want handle controlled component.


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