node.js - connection with transport=polling is failing in one off cases -

i using socket io koa. nginx load balancer.

if not wrong, starts transport=polling , subsequently socket connection upgraded websocket connection.

most of users repeat visitors, long return force new connection passing

io.connect("url", {forcenew: true}) 

this approach works fine in majority of cases.

but in specific cases nginx reverse proxy reports cannot connect socket io with

2017/xx/xx 11:26:20 [error] 21340#21340: *xxxx212 connect() failed (111: connection refused) while connecting upstream, client: 32.xx.xx.314, server: webosocket.localhost,com request: "get / http/2.0", upstream: "", host: "webosocket.localhost,com", referrer: "http://localhost:8181/"

is there way debug why transport=polling failing in cases, not in majority of cases?


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