python - Load numeric data from file and generate mapping between columns -

the dataset:

  1      6.6156e-13        2       3.0535e-13        3       6.2224e-13   4      3.0885e-13        5       1.1117e-10        6       3.8244e-11   7      5.3916e-11        8       1.7591e-11        9       2.2733e-10 

i want extract coefficients , perform operation . coefficients 6.6156e-13, 3.0535e-13 etc.
how extract coefficients while preserving id(id int value associated coefficients)? want using python.i think can use dictionary , have key-value pairs.


text_file = open("sens-buck.txt", "r")  lines = text_file.readlines()  a=[]  l in lines:      print (l)   text_file.close() 

this you'll need do:

  1. load data using np.loadtxt

  2. generate mapping using dict comprehension

x = np.loadtxt("sens-buck.txt").reshape(-1, 2) # load text file  # mapping = {int(k) : v k, v in x.tolist()} # create mapping  print(mapping)  


{1: 6.6156e-13,  2: 3.0535e-13,  3: 6.2224e-13,  4: 3.0885e-13,  5: 1.1117e-10,  6: 3.8244e-11,  7: 5.3916e-11,  8: 1.7591e-11,  9: 2.2733e-10} 


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