java - JMenuBar cannot find symbol error -

i have problem trying implement jmenubar keep getting cannot find symbol error. have jframe in separate class along main method , jframe instatiates object of mainpanel class. missing here? appreciated, thank you!

the full error message reads

cannot find symbol

symbol: method setjmenubar (jmenubar)

location: class mainpanel

public class mainpanel extends jpanel {  //whole bunch of code  jmenubar menubar; jmenu archive;   public uppgift2panel(){      //whole bunch of code       menubar = new jmenubar();     archive = new jmenu();     menubar.add(archive);      setjmenubar(menubar);      //whole bunch of code      }  } 

a jpanel doesn't have setjmenubar(...) method.

you add menubar frame using setjmenubar(...) method of jframe.

read section swing tutorial on how use menus working examples started.

start working code. tutorial code show how better structure code. keep tutorial link handy swing basics.


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