webpack - Vue with Typescript - using components without definition -

i'm trying use vue-instant component child component. i'm not sure how add components without definition, or maybe issue in webpack config ignoring node_modules because of lack of type? here's have:

singleusersearch.vue (my custom component):

<template>      <div class="input-group">                  <vue-instant         v-model="value"                    @input="changed"                    :suggestions="suggestions"         name="customname"         placeholder="custom placeholder"         type="google"></vue-instant>      </div>  </template>  <script lang="ts">             import vue "vue";     import component "vue-class-component";     import axios "axios";     import vueinstant 'vue-instant'         let vueinstantcomponent : vue.component = vueinstant;      @component({         components: {             'vue-instant': vueinstantcomponent         }             })     export default class singleusersearch extends vue {          value:string="";         suggestions : array<string> = []         async changed() {             var =             this.suggestions = []             let response = await axios.get('https://api.themoviedb.org/3/search/movie?api_key=342d3061b70d2747a1e159ae9a7e9a36&query=' + this.value);                                alert(response);                                    }     } </script> 

then compile code using webpack without difficulties. when try test code on page get:

[vue warn]: failed mount component: template or render function not defined.

found in

---> @ scripts\vue\components\singleusersearch.vue


var path = require('path'); var webpack = require('webpack');  module.exports = {     entry: './scripts/vue/main.ts',     output: {         path: path.resolve('./scripts/build/'),         filename: 'app.js'     },     module: {         loaders: [             {                 test: /\.tsx?$/,                 loader: 'ts-loader?' + json.stringify({                     transpileonly: true                 })             },             {                 test: /\.vue$/,                 loader:'vue-loader'               },             {                 test: /\.js$/,                 loader: 'babel-loader',                 query: {                     presets: ['es2015','stage-0','stage-1','stage-2','stage-3']                 }             }         ]     },     resolve: {         extensions: ['.js', '.vue'],         alias: {             'vue': path.resolve('./node_modules/vue/dist/vue.esm.js')         }     },     stats: {         colors: true     },     devtool: 'source-map' }; 

the issue isn't types missing. unless you're using typescript in strict mode, without types imported any.

the issue vueimport's default export plugin object, when import vueinstant 'vue-instant' you're not importing component.

just console.log(vueinstant) , you'll see mean.

instead of using default import, you'll need either specify import using es6 destructuring:

import { vueinstant } 'vue-instant' vueinstant  

alternatively can import exported modules under alias, , call class there:

import * vueinstant 'vue-instant' vueinstant.vueinstant 


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