php - Fatal error: Class 'ZipArchive' not found in -

i have problem install 'archive_zip 0.1.1' on linux server, when try run script create zip file gives fatal error "fatal error: class 'ziparchive' not found in ---" put code

$zip = new ziparchive; var_dump($zip); $res = $zip->open($filename, ziparchive::overwrite); if($res !== true){     echo 'error: unable create zip file';     exit; } if(is_file($src)){     $zip->addfile($src); }else{     //echo "<br>".dirname(__file__).$src;//'/install1';     if(!is_dir($src)){          $zip->close();          @unlink($filename);          echo 'error: file not found';          exit;     }     recurse_zip($src,$zip,$path_length); } $zip->close(); echo "<br>file name ".$filename; 

but not found class file.

please tell me solution should resolve problem. put php.ini file folder script is, not work.

for ziparchive class present, php needs have zip extension installed.

see this page installation instructions (both linux , windows).


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