AngularJS ng-selected Issue -

i have multi-select. have 2 two different arrays. want multi-select comes selected values.

i want search ng-repeat id array if found becomes true , value come selected.

my angularjs code

<script>       var app = angular.module('myapp', []);     app.controller('mainctrl', function($scope, $http) {        $ = "john brad";        $scope.important_selection = {                   "error": false,                   "client_data": {                   "important": [                       {                           "id": 10,                           "name": "socially responsible"                       },                       {                           "id": 8,                           "name": "lbgt"                       },                       {                           "id": 4,                           "name": "education"                       },                       {                           "id": 2,                           "name": "retirement"                       }                   ]                 },                 "status_code": 200               };      $scope.importants_series = {                 "error": false,                 "important": [                     {                         "id": 1,                         "name": "investment"                     },                     {                         "id": 2,                         "name": "retirement"                     },                     {                         "id": 3,                         "name": "insurance"                     },                     {                         "id": 4,                         "name": "education"                     },                     {                         "id": 5,                         "name": "tax"                     },                     {                         "id": 6,                         "name": "estate"                     },                     {                         "id": 7,                         "name": "business"                     },                     {                         "id": 8,                         "name": "lbgt"                     },                     {                         "id": 9,                         "name": "offshore"                     },                     {                         "id": 10,                         "name": "socially responsible"                     },                     {                         "id": 11,                         "name": "divorce"                     }                 ],                 "status_code": 200             };               });     </script> 

my html code

<select name="important[]" class="form-control" multiple="" required>         <option ng-selected="important_selection.important.find(item => ===" ng-repeat="important in importants_series.important" value="{{}}">{{}}</option>     </select> 

now want search id in array , if true selected. have issue in ng-selected

plunker link more details :

any appreciating thanks.

you should using ng-options , ng-model in select easy data binding.

<select name="important[]" class="form-control" multiple="" required      ng-options=" important in importants_series.important"      ng-model="important_selection.client_data.important"></select> 

unfortunately ng-model checks object reference equality, need additional step reassigning data selection array itself

  var oldarray = $scope.important_selection.client_data.important;    $scope.important_selection.client_data.important = [];    oldarray.foreach(function(item) {     var refitem = $scope.importants_series.important.find(function(i) {       return ==;     });      $scope.important_selection.client_data.important.push(refitem);   }); 

or can assign new array instead.

working plunker


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