Powershell Hashtable Export to CSV -

i trying create csv export contains rows in data spreadsheet ids search spreadsheet show in.

i have managed create searching element through powershell having trouble exporting data csv format.

below example tables, actual data has 8 values (including id column), first 3 guaranteed filled.

data spreadsheet

+------+---------+---------+---------+---------------------+ | id | value 1 | value 2 | value 3 | value 4 | +------+---------+---------+---------+---------------------+ | 1234 | london | serial1 | hp | laptop user | | 2345 | moscow | serial7 | | hr application | | 1234 | london | serial9 | | finance application | | 3456 | madrid | serial4 | hp | laptop user | +------+---------+---------+---------+---------------------+

search spreadsheet

+------+ | id | +------+ | 1234 | | 2345 | +------+

desired result

+------+---------+---------+---------+---------------------+ | id | value 1 | value 2 | value 3 | value 4 | +------+---------+---------+---------+---------------------+ | 1234 | london | serial1 | hp | laptop user | | 2345 | moscow | serial7 | | hr application | | 1234 | london | serial9 | | finance application | +------+---------+---------+---------+---------------------+

below current code have attempts export csv removed.

$finalvalues = @{}  $users = import-csv "search.csv"  $data = import-csv "data.csv" | group-object -property id -ashashtable  foreach ($user in $users)  {     if ($data.contains($user.id))     {         #write-output $data[$user.id].id         $finalvalues.add($data[$user.id].id, $data[$user.id])     } } 

the following 2 commands (ran after rest of script has executed) have below output.


id      : 1234 value 1 : london value 2 : serial 1 value 3 : hp value 4 :  value 5 :  value 6 :  value 7 : laptop user  id      : 2345 value 1 : moscow value 2 : serial7 value 3 :  value 4 :  value 5 :  value 6 :  value 7 : hr application  id      : 1234 value 1 : london value 2 : serial9 value 3 :  value 4 :  value 5 :  value 6 :  value 7 : finance application 


{1234, 1234}             {@{id=1234; value 1=london; value 2=serial1; value 3=hp; value 4=; value 5=; value 6=; value 7=laptop user}, @{id=1234; value 1=london; value 2=serial 9... ; value 7 =finance application}}  2345                        {@{id=2345; value 1=moscow; value 2=serial7; value 3=; value 4=; value 5=; value 6=; value 7=hr application}}            

when exporting csv following command following result: $finalvalues | export-csv -path test.csv -notypeinformation

+------------+-------------+----------------+--------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------+---------------+-------+ | isreadonly | isfixedsize | issynchronized |                    keys                    |                    values                    |   syncroot    | count | +------------+-------------+----------------+--------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------+---------------+-------+ | false      | false       | false          | system.collections.hashtable+keycollection | system.collections.hashtable+valuecollection | system.object |    14 | +------------+-------------+----------------+--------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------+---------------+-------+ 

when exporting csv following command following result:

$finalvalues.values | export-csv -path test.csv -notypeinformation

+-------+------------+-------------+---------------+----------------+ | count | isreadonly | isfixedsize |   syncroot    | issynchronized | +-------+------------+-------------+---------------+----------------+ |     1 | false      | false       | system.object | false          | |     1 | false      | false       | system.object | false          | |     3 | false      | false       | system.object | false          | |     1 | false      | false       | system.object | false          | |     1 | false      | false       | system.object | false          | |     1 | false      | false       | system.object | false          | |     1 | false      | false       | system.object | false          | |     1 | false      | false       | system.object | false          | |     2 | false      | false       | system.object | false          | |     2 | false      | false       | system.object | false          | |     1 | false      | false       | system.object | false          | |     2 | false      | false       | system.object | false          | |     1 | false      | false       | system.object | false          | |     1 | false      | false       | system.object | false          | +-------+------------+-------------+---------------+----------------+ 

this simplified using where-object filter , exporting export-csv.

$search = import-csv "search.csv" import-csv "data.csv" | where-object {$search.id -contains $_.id} | export-csv c:\exampleexportpath.csv -notypeinformation 


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