ubuntu - Replacing substring with other text in variable inside a bash script -

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i've been trying write bash script. part of supposed replace part of string nothing.

here's i'm trying do

$dbname=$1 $dbnameactual="${$dbname/.sql/}"  date echo $dbnameactual 

i tried number of suggestions stack. got nowhere. tried adding sed, didn't seem work.

the idea have script, , takes in db import file name, db250317.sql , outputs db250317 .

i'm running ubuntu 16.04 lts.

you don't put $ twice in expression, , don't put $ before variable you're assigning (this isn't php or perl). should be:


also, if thing you're trying delete @ end, can use % remove it:


also remember quote variable when use later, in case filename contains spaces. should quote variables, unless have specific reason not to.


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