javascript - How to pass Variable Values from JS to PHP (not via form) -

i'm new here. i'm trying pass variable values client php server. looked matter , saw many answers, of them regarding sending form values. i'm trying transfer actual variable values. simple example (multiple instances of following button):

 $("#aam").click(function () {         var e = confirm("are sure?")         if(e == true)         {            $(this).hide('slow');            counter++;         }   }); 

every time button clicked counter goes 1 (after "if" checks). want counter value server, how should done. search learned ajax unfortunately couldn't adjust own scenario... tried ajax request:

$("#click_ajax").click(function() {    $.ajax({        type: 'post',        url: 'c:/xampp/htdocs/abby/test.php',        data: {counter}      }); }); 

with php:

<?php       $counter = $_post['counter'];            echo $counter  ?> 

unfortunately didn't work - whatever do, "notice: undefined index: counter in c:\xampp\htdocs\abby\test.php on line 9" error via xampp. hope can assist me. in advance,


you not send correct data thru ajax request. try this:


 var ajaxurl = 'abby/test.php';   $.ajax({    type: "post",    url:  ajaxurl, //check if in ajax file    data: {      action: "sendcounter",      counter: counter    } }).always(function() {  }).done(function(data) {   console.log(data); // should server counter number  }); 

php (more elegant way of ajax file):

if (isset($_post['action'])) {     $straction = $_post['action'];     switch ($straction)     {        case 'sendcounter':           if (isset($_post['counter']))           {               echo $_post['counter'];           }        break;     } } 

hope helps.


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