java - How to sort characters in a string diagonally -

im splitting string square number of length..

string alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; int = alphabet.length(); int b = (int)math.round(math.sqrt(a));  system.out.println(java.util.arrays.tostring(splitter(key, b)));  // prints: [abcde, fghij, klmno, pqrst, uvwxy, z] 

the splitter function:

public static string[] splitter(string s, int len) { return s.split(string.format("(?<=\\g.{%1$d})", len)); } 

what want sort diagonal this:

[0] = {a,b,d,g,k} [1] = {c,e,h,l,p} [2] = {f,i,m,q,u} [3] = {j,n,r,v,y} [4] = {o,s,w,z,0} [5] = {t,x,0,0,0} 

i trying solve loops checking if (i-1) >= i... confused , kinda lost in here..

the solution created below

  1. calculates dimensions of result matrix;
  2. uses dimensions initialize two-dimensional result array nul character values;
  3. sets values in array based on idea elements on same diagonal, sum of coordinates constant.
string alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; double root = math.sqrt(alphabet.length()); int width = (int) math.round(root); int height = width < root ? width + 1 : width; char[][] result = intstream.range(0, height)                            .maptoobj(i -> new char[width])                            .toarray(i -> new char[height][]);  int x = 0, y = 0, sum = 0;  (char c : alphabet.tochararray()) {     result[x][y] = c;      y = x == math.min(sum, height - 1) ? math.min(++sum, width - 1) : y - 1;     x = sum - y; }  system.out.println(arrays.deeptostring(result)); 

this yields following output:

[[a, b, d, g, k], [c, e, h, l, p], [f, i, m, q, u], [j, n, r, v, y], [o, s, w, z,  ], [t, x,  ,  ,  ]] 


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