c# - Intellisense doesn't work without a Body tag -

i have created template server control responsible rendering out reusable markup across multiple projects like: doctype, script , style references, html, head , body tags.

it uses itemplate <content> property, developer can drop template on page , put content in.

however, because <body> tag created control, <content> property has no intellisense.

<%@ page language="c#" autoeventwireup="true" codebehind="demo.aspx.cs" inherits="pageexamples.examples.demo" %>     <template:standard runat="server" pagetitle="page title">     <content>        no intellisense here...     </content> </template:standard> 

i want put tag valid inside <body> tag inside <content> i'm unsure need intellisense understand it.

stuff have tried:

rename <content> property <body>. tricks vs thinking actual body tag. however, there no intellisense other templateable properties have been left off simplify example.

it happened me this. added dll server control bin folder of project , intellisense worked. maybe works too.


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