tfs2015 - Get a list (and count) of bugs raised per Iteration in TFS 2015 -

i'd able list bugs raised during sprint against of pbis in sprint. there way achieve that? using tfs 2015 scrum template.

so far i've managed run custom query in retrieve work items following criteria:

  • work item type = bug.
  • iteration path = path specific iteration
  • created date >= start date of iteration
  • created date <= end date of iteration

however, approach far ideal, given need hardcode dates, , if want compare how we've been doing iteration after iteration in terms of bugs raised, need create several queries , manually update them.

can think of better approach?


it's not able based on single query, try through api. can query bugs, tasks, other types of work items, , links between work items using 1 of workitemstore.query methods or query object.

you use wiql this. according tutorial msdn, use under comparison operator in query. sample pull work items in iteration,

select [], [system.workitemtype], [system.title], [system.assignedto], [system.state] workitems   [system.teamproject] = 'vierosat'   , [system.state] = 'dev'   , [system.iterationpath] under 'iteration1' order [] 

you import bugs /pbis each iteration including created data info excel list. of powerful excel tool filter , generate chart or tables need.


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