How to scrub data in Excel, specifically removing extreme outliers that are outside of a given range? -

i have thousands of cells of data output model, results formatted follows: cell id column header, each row timestep, , each cell's results on hundreds of timesteps printed out in spreadsheet. want analyze data within percentiles. i've identified values percentile thresholds of interest, i'm not finding clear directions on how ...

a) remove values outside of range i'm interested in, sheet i'm working in


b) pull values within range of interest out of sheet , separate 1 further analysis

the values numbers 2 decimal places.

i need scrub data, analyze it, in separate step. example, after removing extreme max , min in timeseries, still want see entire timeseries outliers removed or changed null value. how can select or remove outliers data matrix, leaving rest of data in tact?

the best way using pivottable feature.

with pivottable able create filter parameters using ranges (the main data , outliers well).

please, take on if don't know how use pivottable: create pivottable analyze worksheet data


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