custom blockchain data structure -

i trying verify business idea blockchain application, use private / consortium blockchain.

i looking @ trying test in multichain or similar platform.

one thing unsure of, how can define data looks like? if creating own app scratch i'd design database etc.

how multichain? example, if trying store records of particular asset, , varying interests in asset of multiple parties, how define how looks in blockchain app?

put way, equivalent of defining "asset" table, "assetparties" table etc? can control data stored there / transactions represent?

if you, i'd try hyperledger fabric. implementation of blockchain developed businesses.

one thing unsure of, how can define data looks like? if creating own app scratch i'd design database etc.

about previous question: blockchain database. have define logic of code. code, smart contract, installed in nodes of blockchain.

your blockchain store each registry transaction. transaction equivalent registry of data base. so, have define smart contract, defining there type of data store. also, define logic of "business idea" in smart contract.


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