aleagpu - Alea GPU - Passing structures of arrays -

i have simple question. possible write structures of arrays alea.gpu?

        public struct svdfactorsstructgpu         {             public deviceptr<float> itemsbiases;             public deviceptr<float> usersbiases;             public deviceptr<float> itemsfeatures;             public deviceptr<float> usersfeatures;         } [...]         svdfactorsstructgpu factors = new svdfactorsstructgpu();         factors.itemsbiases = gpuitemsbiases.ptr;         factors.usersbiases = gpuusersbiases.ptr;         factors.itemsfeatures = gpuitemsfeatures.ptr;         factors.usersfeatures = gpuusersfeatures.ptr; [...] 

and pass them somehow kernel:

    public void trainepochkernel(svdparamsstructgpu svdparams,                                  deviceptr<float> ratings,                                  deviceptr<int> ratingsitemsids,                                  deviceptr<int> userprofilesids,                                  deviceptr<int> ratingsstartidxs,                                  deviceptr<int> ratingscounts,                                  deviceptr<float> userprofilessse,                                  svdfactorsstructgpu factors)     {         int startuserprofileidx = blockidx.x * (blockdim.x * svdparams.strideperthread) + threadidx.x * svdparams.strideperthread;  [...]                 pred = svdparams.globalmean;                 pred += factors.itemsbiases[i];                 pred += factors.usersbiases[u]; [...] 

this works without structure yields illegal address when encapsulated.

thanks in advance

[edit #1] seems ptr copy in cause here, if try pass them structure directly in kernel signature error same.

[edit #2] maybe obvious question, tried pass devicememory<> directly unable set values. going keep "one parameter 1 array version" not critical , got efficient algorithm overall. curious know more on alea.gpu c#.


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