android - Chrome Custom Tabs Initial Okta Auth Not Redirecting Back -

i'm in process of implementing sso on android app in we're using okta identity management while in development. have okta set that, after successful user/password authentication, user has validate password on subsequent logins.

i'm using chrome custom tabs open browser url , have set correct intent-filter configuration in androidmanifest.

the issue i'm having initial auth screen not redirect app , err_unkown_url_scheme error page. however, when authenticating password validation screen, app scheme recognized , user redirected app.

also note: err_unkown_url_scheme error page, if select "open in chrome", app picks redirect , i'm put app. leads me believe may custom tabs issue.

the code launch chrome custom tabs looks following:

    customtabsintent customtabsintent = new customtabsintent.builder(mctsession)             .settoolbarcolor(contextcompat.getcolor(mcontext, r.color.colorprimary))             .setstartanimations(context, r.anim.slide_in_right, r.anim.slide_out_left)             .setexitanimations(context, android.r.anim.slide_in_left, android.r.anim.slide_out_right)             .build();     customtabsintent.intent.setflags(intent.flag_activity_no_history | intent.flag_activity_new_task);      if ( >= {         string referrer = intent.uri_android_app_scheme + "//" + packagenametouse;         customtabsintent.intent.putextra(intent.extra_referrer, uri.parse(referrer));     }      customtabsintent.launchurl(context, uri.parse(fixedurl)); 

i know similar issue reported in older version of cct, issue seems have been patched.

has else experienced particular issue?

adding images of actual auth pages reference ...

the initial user/password screen (not working):

initial okta user/password screen

password validation screen (works!):

enter image description here


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