Protractor + Appium hide android keyboard in chrome -

  • macos sierra 10.12.4
  • node - v6.9.5
  • appium - 1.6.0
  • protractor - 5.1.2

i new using appium , got basic setup working android emulator running google chrome browser. problem i'm running soft keyboard believe in way simple action logging in doesn't work off bat b/c when types in credentials keyboard in way doesn't click sign in button. workaround found clicking text field after sending keys rid of soft keyboard. hoping there easy way disable keyboard automated testing. other option hope don't have overloading sendkeys function check if it's on mobile , click textfield after sending keys. or suggestions on how solve issue appreciated.

possible solution

i have found extendedwebdriver info protractor api reference page i'm having difficulty finding examples of implementing use function hidesoftkeyboard

alright couldn't work using protractors implementation of extendedwebdriver. said can use wd-bridge

// configuring wd in onprepare // wdbridge helps bridge wd driver other selenium clients // see onprepare: function () {   var wd = require('wd'),     protractor = require('protractor'),     wdbridge = require('wd-bridge')(protractor, wd);   wdbridge.initfromprotractor(exports.config); } 

then in spec file in login function able hide keyboard after entered password using global wdbrowser

this.passwordfld.sendkeys(password).then(() => {   wdbrowser.hidedevicekeyboard();; }); 


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