c# - How do I make my Web API project actually see the System.Data.SqlClient NuGet package? -

there seem number of questions related this, haven't found solution problem yet. apologize if answer here , haven't found it.

i'm trying create web api project gives me middle layer between html page uploading file , sql database stores files. know it's bad approach store files in database, i'm trying make smaller test app me diagnose bigger problem in existing database can't change.

i can set controller path "api/docs/save" fine, saving file in database has become of nightmare. can't seem reference "system.data" or "system.data.sqlclient" work in project. i've tried nuget packages no luck. tried making class library using normal c# .net, adding reference class library doesn't work either.

how set web api project can use data base access methods i'm used to?

as side note: don't have access existing front end code app, can't add test page there. need create can run locally through visual studio.

i can replicate problem in vs 2017 using core 1.1 , there seem problem.

after installing nuget package save , reload project , should fine.


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