vbscript - ECL37130: Invalid host session specified. (IBM AS400 PCOMM) -

i have issue running macros via as400 emulator started today. running macros fine earlier , of sudden kept receiving below error. appears first line of code bugging out of sudden, line is:


here complete header code.

[pcomm script header] language=vbscript description= [pcomm script source] option explicit auteclsession.setconnectionbyname(thissessionname) 

i utilizing vbscript , pcomm script source in macro.

this happening of macros across board. have no clue did created error.

i have tried restarting cpu (shutting down), reverting previous version of emulator , ibm folder.

i installed few macros on co workers cpu , worked fine. tried running macro not utilizing vbscript , instead using "macro file" option when recording macro , working perfectly.

i not sure go here on issue appreciated.



according help:

auteclsession - setconnectionbyname method: void setconnectionbyname(bstr sessname)

sets session object using session name. in pcomm session name short session id (characters a-z). there can 1 pcomm session open given name. example, there can 1 session "a" open @ time.

input parameters: bstr sessname 1 character string short name of session (a-z)

so auteclsession.setconnectionbyname(thissessionname) doesn't appear valid.


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