javascript - How to make a counter starts at specific part has an id at a section -

i have used code make counter

(function ($) { $.fn.countto = function (options) {     options = options || {};      return $(this).each(function () {         // set options current element         var settings = $.extend({}, $.fn.countto.defaults, {             from:            $(this).data('from'),             to:              $(this).data('to'),             speed:           $(this).data('speed'),             refreshinterval: $(this).data('refresh-interval'),             decimals:        $(this).data('decimals')         }, options);          // how many times update value, , how increment value on each update         var loops = math.ceil(settings.speed / settings.refreshinterval),             increment = ( - settings.from) / loops;          // references & variables change each update         var self = this,             $self = $(this),             loopcount = 0,             value = settings.from,             data = $'countto') || {};          $'countto', data);          // if existing interval can found, clear first         if (data.interval) {             clearinterval(data.interval);         }         data.interval = setinterval(updatetimer, settings.refreshinterval);          // initialize element starting value         render(value);          function updatetimer() {             value += increment;             loopcount++;              render(value);              if (typeof(settings.onupdate) == 'function') {       , value);             }              if (loopcount >= loops) {                 // remove interval                 $self.removedata('countto');                 clearinterval(data.interval);                 value =;                  if (typeof(settings.oncomplete) == 'function') {           , value);                 }             }         }          function render(value) {             var formattedvalue =, value, settings);             $self.html(formattedvalue);         }     }); };  $.fn.countto.defaults = {     from: 0,               // number element should start @     to: 0,                 // number element should end @     speed: 1000,           // how long should take count between target numbers     refreshinterval: 100,  // how element should updated     decimals: 0,           // number of decimal places show     formatter: formatter,  // handler formatting value before rendering     onupdate: null,        // callback method every time element updated     oncomplete: null       // callback method when element finishes updating };  function formatter(value, settings) {     return value.tofixed(settings.decimals); } }(jquery));  jquery(function ($) {  // custom formatting example  $('#count-number').data('counttooptions', { formatter: function (value, options) {   return value.tofixed(options.decimals).replace(/\b(?=(?:\d{3})+(?!\d))/g,  ',');  }  });   // start timers  $('.timer').each(count);       function count(options) {    var $this = $(this);    options = $.extend({}, options || {}, $'counttooptions') ||      {});     $this.countto(options);      }     }); 

the problem is, counter starts count when site opened. want make counter starts when scrolling part @ section. p.s part has id , there link href id when clicking on scroll part

<h3>   <a href="#counts" class="page-scroll">be part of our story</a> </h3> <div class="col-md-4  col-xs-12" >     <div class="counts text-center">       <i class="fa fa-cogs fa-4x" aria-hidden="true"></i>       <h3 class="">workshops</h3>       <p>         <h1 class="timer count-title sr-icons" id="count-number"                    data to="300" data-speed="1500"></h1>       </p>     </div>     </div>  

can me solve problem?


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