amazon ec2 - AWS Spinnaker local install on ec2 issues: You are not authorized to perform this operation -

i did configuration mentioned in , starting spinnaker , keep getting error in clouddriver.logs

caused by: not authorized perform operation. (service: amazonec2; status code: 403; error code: unauthorizedoperation; request id: fb3144e7-7105-44e1-917c-60c6de551d83) 

my installation environment aws ec2 environment , instance having role baseiamrole , have attached spinnakerassumerolepolicy , poweruseraccess it.

i have configuration managing account , managed account in clouddriver.yml this:

aws:   enabled: true   accounts:   - name: '07xxxx...' #    requiredgroupmembership: []     accountid: '07xxxx...'     regions: []     assumerole: role/spinnakermanaged   - name: '19xxxx...'   #    requiredgroupmembership: []     accountid: '19xxxx...'     regions: []     assumerole: role/spinnakermanaged   primaryaccount: '07xxxx...'   defaultkeypairtemplate: '{{name}}-keypair'   defaultregions:   - name: ap-southeast-2   defaultassumerole: role/spinnakermanaged   defaults:     iamrole: baseiamrole 

i have admin access both managing , managed accounts...

any highly appreciated


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