javascript - rich text with non editable content, angularjs -

i use directive textangular format email notification text , stuck while task when need add non editable html inside rich text. added custom directive on textangular directive. custom directive replace special characters in string html span tags param contenteditable='false', param doesn't work , content still editable.

in case have 2 questions:

  1. how can setup non-editable html inside content textangular directive?
  2. how can concat variable string desire place (currently concats end of string)

i appreciate help.

plunker problem

my custom directive:

app.directive('removemarkers', function () {  return {     require: "ngmodel",     link: function (scope, element, attrs, ngmodel) {         element.bind('click', function (e) {                 var target =;                 var parent = target.parentelement;                 if (parent.classlist.contains('label-danger')){                     parent.remove()                 }             });          function changeview(modelvalue){             modelvalue= modelvalue                 .replace(/\{{/g, "<span class='label label-danger' contenteditable='false' style='padding: 6px; color: #ffffff; font-size: 14px;'>")                 .replace(/\}}/g, "<span contenteditable='false' class='remove-tag fa fa-times'></span></span>&nbsp;");             ngmodel.$modelvalue= modelvalue;              console.log(ngmodel)             return modelvalue;         }         ngmodel.$formatters.push(changeview);         }     } }); 


  <select class="form-control pull-right"                 style="max-width: 250px"                 ng-options=" label.label label in variables"                 ng-change="selectedemailvariables(variable)"                 ng-model="variable">             <option value="">template variables</option>    </select>    <div text-angular remove-markers name="email" ng-model="data.notifiation"></div> 

1) can't simply use contenteditable='false' attribute on elements, since textangularstrips it. enable it in past had download textangular-sanitize.min.js , edit array of allowed attributes. starts j=f("abbr,align,, have add contenteditable comma separated list.

2) insert template cursor position can use wrapselection method within editor scope, work:

$scope.selectedemailvariables = function (item) {     if (item !== null) {           var editorscope = textangularmanager.retrieveeditor('editor1').scope;           editorscope.displayelements.text[0].focus();           editorscope.wrapselection('inserthtml',            " <span class='label label-danger' contenteditable='false' style='color: #ffffff; font-size: 14px;'>" + item + "<span contenteditable='false' class='remove-tag fa fa-times'></span></span> ", true);     } }; 

here working plnkr.

p.s.: textangular seems editor, lacks of functionality , personally, don't documentation. have gather lot of info through issues on github. right switched other alternative editors, possibly in future.


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