multithreading - Firebase Database Tasks do not execute after signing with Firebase Auth in Unity -

so set firebase authentication (with email , password) described in documentation. have account, can sign in , works fine long do. set realtime database. can write , read , works fine long do. except if want use 2 things together. if sign in can not write database. nothing happens. delegate passed argument continuewith method not execute. can not debug way.

here do:

void awake(){     firebaseapp.defaultinstance.seteditordatabaseurl( "https://****" );     firebasedatabase db = firebasedatabase.getinstance( "https://****" );     auth = firebase.auth.firebaseauth.getauth( firebaseapp.defaultinstance );     dbref = db.rootreference; } 

this setup, simple testing purposes only. avoid other issues changed read , write rules true in firebase database.

i copied log in function docs.

public void login( string email, string password ) {     print( "logging in" );     auth.signinwithemailandpasswordasync( email, password ).continuewith( task => {         if ( task.iscanceled ) {             debug.logerror( "signinwithemailandpasswordasync canceled." );             return;         }         if ( task.isfaulted ) {             debug.logerror( "signinwithemailandpasswordasync encountered error: " + task.exception );             return;         }         currentuser = task.result;         debug.logformat( "user signed in successfully: {0} ({1})",             currentuser.displayname, currentuser.userid );     } ); } 

if try log in "user signed in successfully..." message.

i have simple test function:

public void test() {     dbref.push().setvalueasync( ).continuewith( postprocesssave ); }  private void postprocesssave( system.threading.tasks.task task ) {     if ( !task.iscompleted )         debug.log( task.exception );     else {         debug.log( "boat saved" );     } } 

when call test function executes , can see "boat saved" message. can see new entry in database.

when call login function (it works), wait couple of seconds , call test method nothing happens. not single error, not log. nothing crashes , application runs. there no entry in database.

i hope messed set up. can me? thanks.


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