Android VPN connection Unable to resolve host "<url>" No address associated with hostname -

i trying connect server using vpn connection. connected pc using cisco anyconnect. when trying connect android code, find exception: unable resolve host "<url>" no address associated hostname 

here code:

try {           url endpoint = new url(sauthenticateurl);            httpurlconnection connection = (httpurlconnection) endpoint.openconnection();            if (connection.getresponsecode() == 200) {                     // success           } else {                    // error handling code goes here           }      } catch (ioexception e) {                e.printstacktrace();      } 

the sauthenticateurl same used pc , works on it.

note have connected android device pc internet connection, both use same network now. , pc connected vpn server.

is there specific configuration should add able access vpn android?

first of all, of cases may occur issue.

  1. check permission , sure have following permissions in manifest :
    • android:name="android.permission.internet"
    • android:name="android.permission.access_network_state"
  2. try disconnect network , reconnect again.
  3. using schemeregistery below:

    keystore truststore = keystore.getinstance(keystore.getdefaulttype()); truststore.load(null, null);

    sslsocketfactory sf = new mysslsocketfactory(truststore); sf.sethostnameverifier(sslsocketfactory.allow_all_hostname_verifier);  httpparams params = new basichttpparams(); httpconnectionparams.setconnectiontimeout(params, 15000); httpconnectionparams.setsotimeout(params, 5000);  schemeregistry registry = new schemeregistry(); registry.register(new scheme("http", plainsocketfactory.getsocketfactory(), 80)); registry.register(new scheme("https", sf, 443));  clientconnectionmanager ccm = new threadsafeclientconnmanager(params, registry);  return new defaulthttpclient(ccm, params);` 


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