Excel - Copy Hundreds of Cells based on Row Above -

in excel, want copy

    ---------------------------------------------     | column | column b | column c | column d |     ---------------------------------------------     | 1      | 2      | 3    | 4     |     --------------------------------------------- 

to here

    -------------------------------------------------------------------     | column | column f | column c | column e | column d | column b |      -------------------------------------------------------------------     |          |          |          |          |          |          |     ------------------------------------------------------------------- 

like this

     -------------------------------------------------------------------      | column | column f | column c | column e | column d | column b |       -------------------------------------------------------------------      | 1      |          | 3    |          | 4     | 2      |      ------------------------------------------------------------------- 

how may this? have hundreds of cells. in advance

assuming headers , information layed out below, use following formula:


i placed in f10 , copied right , down far needed. used ifna produce empty cells when header did not match on in a2 e2. still show errors if copy formula down more rows have source data. if want rid of error messages change ifna iferror.

row($a2) acting simple row counter move copy down. depend on number of header rows , how define range whether or not want use a2, a1 or other starting number/

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