css - How to parse a Javascript +random Number into .style.backgroundImage URL -

hi, opinion example. considering me beginner of coding.

i add random number after url gif-file-name.

ex.: turn "intro_animation.gif" "intro_animation.gif?v=7463" number @ end should random each time browser refreshes, animated gif can start again beginning.

i've seen many similar examples on stackoverflow.com, dont know how put parts together


here code, don't work. want keep simple possible.

<script> settimeout(function () {     document.getelementbyid("intro").style.backgroundimage = "url('./anim/intro_animation.gif' + ?v= + (math.random() * 1000); )"; }, 0); </script>  <div id="intro" class="intro_animation_gif" style="background-image: url('./anim/intro_animation.gif');"> </div> 

you not far off. make sure put double quotes around parts strings , concatenate pluses.

you might want round random number make sure not contain decimals.


document.getelementbyid("intro").style.backgroundimage =      "url('./anim/intro_animation.gif?v=" + math.round((math.random() * 1000)) + "')"; 


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