ruby on rails - How to write this query using active record query interface? -

i have products table jsonb type specs column. 1 of keys in json brand.

i can run query this:

select specs ->> 'brand' brand, count(*) products group brand;

   brand    | count -------------+-------  acer        |     9  dell        |     4  xps 15      |     1  apple       |     1  lenovo      |     2  gigabyte    |     1  eluktronics |     5  asus        |     2  hp          |     1 

how can run query using active record query interface?

i tried like:"specs ->> 'brand' brand").group('brand').count not work , get:

activerecord::statementinvalid: pg::syntaxerror: error:  syntax error @ or near "as" line 1: select count(specs ->> 'brand' brand) count_specs_bran...                                        ^ : select count(specs ->> 'brand' brand) count_specs_brand_as_brand, brand brand "products" group brand         (irb):1 

the following should work , sticks more closely active record orm query interface:"specs ->> 'brand'").count 

you should not include alias as brand; active record give own alias can view in rails console after trying out statement.


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