javascript - 422 Not returning send message(Node.js/Redux) -

i having issue node.js server returning 422 browser message browser seeing 422 , nothing it.

//node.js  if (existinguser) {  return res.status(422).send({ error: 'email in use' }); } 

i can confirm hitting there , returning @ point

//redux method export function signupuser({ email, password }) {  return function(dispatch) {   return`${root_url}/signup`, { email, password })    .then(response => {     dispatch(emailwassent(;    })    .catch(response => {     dispatch(autherror(;});   } } 

it hit catch response contains 422

//console.log of response error: request failed status code 422 

after looking around day found out axios issue. changed catch case. should be 


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