r - I have a amazon EC2 instance and have made a shiny application in the instance. I need to link a domain to the instance ip -

i have small query , helpful if can me in solving it. have amazon ec2 instance , have made shiny application in instance. need link domain instance ip. did using dns. problem in ip port of server needs entered 3838 shiny app used. in route 53 , have option add instance ivp4 not have option add port. how add port address in dns???

this shiny app hosted in server

i need link www.renderui.com (my own domain).

thank you.


you can configure shiny server listens port 80 (or, instance, both 3838 , 80). can find details in server management part of manual. default, can find default server configuration @ /etc/shiny-server/shiny-server.conf on ec2 instance.

i added second server entry there, final config looks this:

# define user should use when spawning r shiny processes run_as shiny;  # define top-level server listen on port server {   # instruct server listen on port 3838   listen 3838;    # define location available @ base url   location / {     <configs_go_here>   } }  server {   # instruct server listen on port 80   listen 80;    # define location available @ base url   location / {     <configs_go_here>   } } 

also note, you'll need restart shiny server once you've done changes. once restarted, shiny server should become available @ both ,


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