windows - Google Cloud Platform : Create Virtual Machine from snapshot failed ( Win Server 2012 R2) -

i tried know how backup virtual machine on google cloud platform (gcp), did steps create , backup server. however, there errors happened, , couldn't figure out why.

here steps:

  1. create vm instance win server 2012 r2 installed.
  2. create snapshot running instance enable vss option checked.

here description of enable vss option:

integrate volume shadow copy service can use volume shadow copy service (vss) on disks attached windows instances. make sure have latest windows image version vss agent installed.

  1. create new vm instance using snapshot.

  2. in vm instance list page, try use set windows password method set new instance login password.

usually, password of server can set properly. but, showed message me:

windows password not set. try again. if created instance, allow 10 minutes ready.

i tried different way backup machine, , found out maybe enable vss option made recovery failed.

i recover server , set password properly, if didn't check enable vss option.

i couldn't distinguish difference between enable vss checked , not checked. @ least, let me log server.

thank first me problem.


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