.net - c# UserControl property - setting list of string for custom property - List<string> -

after spending log of time not able solve problem.

i have list in usercontrol not able bind custom property @ design time. here design screenshot error

public partial class taglistcontrol : usercontrol {     private hashset<string> _tags;     private list<string> _tags;     //[browsable(false)] // hiding because it's not working in     //[editor("system.windows.forms.design.stringcollectioneditor, system.design, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a", typeof(uitypeeditor))]     [designerserializationvisibility(designerserializationvisibility.content)]     public list<string> tags     {         {             _tags = _tags.tolist();             return _tags;          }         set {             value = value ?? new list<string>();             _tags = value;              value.foreach(x =>             {                 string[] tags = x.split(',');                 foreach (string tag in tags)                 {                     if (!string.isnullorempty(tag))                     {                         _tags.add(tag.trim());                     }                 }                 _tags.add(x);             });         }     }      [browsable(true)]     public bool allowmultipletags     {         get;         set;     }     [browsable(false)]     public int count     {         { return _tags.count; }     }      public taglistcontrol()     {         initializecomponent();         _tags = new hashset<string>();     }  .....  } 

can explain me how designer give user string list possible values? can add list of strings value 1 one.


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