Better way to get rid of leading zeroes in a date - Excel formula? -

i came solution display today's date without leading zeroes in month or day when it's single digit (so instead of 08/03/2017 8/3/2017, etc.):

=text(month(now()),"0") & "/" & text(day(now()),"0") & "/" & text(year(now()), "0000")


date displayed

that formula displays today's date. typically i'd whatever , move on, of cells displaying range of dates (the first of month, current day, , last day of month etc.), have in of cells long chain of formulas.

is there simpler way display dates without leading zeroes (and text)?

from files:
text makes use of format codes display numbers in more readable format, or combine numbers text or symbols.

so, text function saying =text(value want format, "format want apply")

the general format date d/m/yyyy display month & day no leading 0 , 4 digit year. write =text(today(),"a") , convert todays date letter a.

in case need =text(today(),"m/d/yyyy")


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