ios - confuse AdMob : Failed to receive ad: Request Error: No ad to show -

a strange problem,

i have create app on admob linked appstore, create adunit, integrate code '* native ad template: m001' in app, report error 'failed receive ad: request error: no ad show.'

then recreate new app on admob not linked appstore, create new adunit under new app, same type '* native ad template: m001'

i change configure , appid, ad unit id, second works fine, first report error above,

class gmads{ static var _islinkedappstore = true static func setup(){      gadmobileads.configure(withapplicationid: "ca-app-pub-xxxxx~xxxx")     if _islinkedappstore {      }else{         gadmobileads.configure(withapplicationid: "ca-app-pub-yyyyy~yyyy")     } }  static func getunitid()->string{      var adunitid = "ca-app-pub-xxxxx/xxxxx"//     if _islinkedappstore {      }else{         adunitid =  "ca-app-pub-yyyy/yyyy"     }     return adunitid } 

the question seem relative admob configure, try remove linked app ( linked appstore) seem console of admob no feature @ all, provide set visible, hide or show ???

i not know how now, created 2 app id 1 ios app, 1 linked appstore , not linked , not linked app id can load ad content, linked app id can not load ad content, not know reason make failed, same ios code, different configure.

any ? advanced, appreciate help.


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