docker - How to have dockerized nginx pick up file change from other container -

how can configure nginx , client app (ember) pick file changes?


i'm thinking share volume, need specify volumes have same path within docker-compose file.

i have mounted shared volumes (maybe?) between nginx , frontend application changes made in frontend application not picked in nginx unless rebuild docker containers. i've read lot of questions , solutions boil down a. share volumes (i've done) b. set serve file off in nginx (it is):


version: "3"  services:   client:     build: "./client"     command: npm start     env_file:       - .env-dev     ports:       - "4200:4200"       - "35730:35730"     volumes:       - /var/www/app/client       - /var/www/app/client/node_modules       - .:/client   nginx:     build: ./nginx     env_file: .env-dev     volumes:       - /var/www/app/nginx     depends_on:       - client     networks:       - clientnet     ports:       - "80:80"  networks:   clientnet:     driver: bridge 


events {     worker_connections 1024; }  http {     log_format compression '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] '                         '"$request" $status $body_bytes_sent '                         '"$http_referer" "$http_user_agent" "$gzip_ratio"';      gzip              on;     gzip_http_version 1.0;     gzip_proxied      any;     gzip_min_length   500;     gzip_disable      "msie [1-6]\.";     gzip_types        text/plain text/xml text/css                       text/comma-separated-values                       text/javascript                       application/x-javascript                       application/atom+xml;      upstream client_app {         server client:4200;     }      server {         sendfile off;         listen   80;         root     /var/www/app/client/public;          # match frontend client         location =/ {             proxy_pass         http://client_app;         }          # match assets         location ~* \.(?:ico|css|js|gif|jpe?g|png|woff2|woff|ttf)$ {}     } } 

what missing?

named volumes can considered on local development. when in production when using swarm, it's better use multi-staging builds inserting front-end static folder in nginx. because using volumes anti-pattern updates (your changes in front-end not reflect when docker pull).

i suggest use bind mounts when doing coding in local real-time changes between files in host , container like:

nginx:     restart:     image: nginx:alpine     volumes:       - ./nginx/conf.d:/etc/nginx/conf.d       - ./django/static:/usr/src/app/static       - ./django/media:/usr/src/app/media 


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