node.js - Store file with Mongoose/GridFS with FeathersJs -

building rest api feathersjs need able upload picture (post), record if gridfs , able later.

i start set gridfs mongoose:

const mongoose = require('mongoose'); const grid = require('gridfs-stream'); grid.mongo = mongoose.mongo;  module.exports = function () {   const app = this;    mongoose.connect(app.get('mongodb'));   const cnx = mongoose.connection;   mongoose.promise = global.promise;    cnx.once('open', () => {     const gfs = grid(cnx.db);     app.set('gfs', gfs);   })    app.set('mongooseclient', mongoose); }; 

then add in /pub service :


const multipartmiddleware = require('multer')(); [...] app.use('/pub',        multipartmiddleware.single('uri'),       function(req, res, next){         req.feathers.file = req.file;         next();       },       createservice(options)     ); 


create: [       hook => {         const gfs ='gfs');         const file = hook.params.file;          console.log(hook)          const writestream = gfs.createreadstream({           filename: file.originalname,           content_type: file.mimetype, // image/jpeg or image/png         })         const dir = __dirname;         fs.createreadstream(`${__dirname}/img`).pipe(writestream);       }     ], 

and error saying :

mongoerror: file id ### not opened writing

where ### filename instead of _id


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