c# - Controlling NUnit output in Resharper 'Unit Test Sessions' window -

i'm attempting polish unit tests, , i'm noticing nunit's output behaves in undesirable way; i'm wondering if have ability control it.

consider following onetimesetup

imports nunit.framework  public class simpleinconclusive     <onetimesetup>     public sub onetimesetup()          assert.inconclusive("why print twice?")     end sub end class 

if inherit class in test fixture, output not behave desired.

consider simple sample

[testfixture] class class1 : simpleinconclusive {     [test]     public void mysimpletest()     {         // no-op     } } 

the fixture output displays inconclusive report each test, rather once whole fixture.

the test output not display in output window.

rather frustrating, clutters window meant provide easily-actionable messages.

can correct behave intuitively, output window shows me output test/fixture highlighted, rather 1 aggregate message repeating same message multiple times?


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