css - Possible to make text in a tag with class "btn btn-default" (Bootstrap 3.3.7) match background? -

this question has answer here:

is possible make text in tag class "btn btn-default" match background image? using bootstrap 3.3.7 in razor.

here code in question:

<a class="btn btn-default" href="@url.action("login", "account")">log in</a> 

i want make button's text match background. button is shown in image provided following link:

log in button

as can see, text in button grey, but want text match background, exactly. possible make text in button match background in razor view (bootstrap 3.3.7)?

here example of want implemented in android.


edit: have seen solution, already. problem scroll , down page, text not match background behind itself, if text stayed in same position @ top of page whole time. text nested, shown in following code:

<body>     <div class="navbar navbar-inverse navbar-fixed-top">         <div class="container">             <div class="navbar-collapse collapse">                 <ul class="nav navbar-nav navbar-right">                     <li>                         <a class="btn btn-default" href="@url.action("login", "account")"> 

simplified version of want:

link shows want

i sorry not being clearer in beginning, see "register" , "login" buttons @ top right? want "register" , "login" transparent, when scroll , down, can see background through "register" , "login".

it possible. don't need bootstrap that.

button {   padding: 10px 50px;   background-color: transparent;   outline: none;   box-shadow: none;   border: 2px solid #fff;   border-radius: 3px;   font-size: 25px;   font-weight: bold;   color: #fff;   transition: 0.6s ease;   cursor: pointer; } button:hover {   background-color: #fff;   color: #222; } 

try codepen link reference


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