Getting values from array one by one and writing some text according to array length to them javascript -

i have problem getting results functon, estimated # 11 years(let), , 10 days(dnů) or if there in no years output should 10 days, in case of years, months , days, should 10 years, 3 months , 4 code

    function getage(date_1, date_2)     {         var date2_utc = new date(date.utc(date_2.getutcfullyear(), date_2.getutcmonth(), date_2.getutcdate()));         var date1_utc = new date(date.utc(date_1.getutcfullyear(), date_1.getutcmonth(), date_1.getutcdate()));           var yappendix, mappendix, dappendix;          var days = date2_utc.getdate() - date1_utc.getdate();         if (days < 0)         {              date2_utc.setmonth(date2_utc.getmonth() - 1);             days += daysinmonth(date2_utc);         }          var months = date2_utc.getmonth() - date1_utc.getmonth();         if (months < 0)         {             date2_utc.setfullyear(date2_utc.getfullyear() - 1);             months += 12;         }          var years = date2_utc.getfullyear() - date1_utc.getfullyear();          if (years > 5) yappendix = " let";         else if(years <= 4 && years >= 2) yappendix = " roky";         else yappendix = " rok";         if (months > 5) mappendix = " měsíců";         else if(months <= 4 && months >= 2) mappendix = " měsíce";         else mappendix = " měsíc";         if (days > 5) dappendix = " dnů";         else if(days <= 4 && days >= 2) dappendix = " dny";         else dappendix = " den";         var array = [];         var echo;         if(years == 0){} else = years + yappendix;         if(months == 0){} else =  months + mappendix;         if(days == 0){} else = days + dappendix;              if(array.length = 1)  echo = array[0];             else if(array.length = 2) echo = array[0] + " " + array[1];             else echo = array[0]+ ", " +array[1] + " " + array[2];             console.log(array);            return  echo;     }       function daysinmonth(date2_utc)     {         var monthstart = new date(date2_utc.getfullyear(), date2_utc.getmonth(), 1);         var monthend = new date(date2_utc.getfullyear(), date2_utc.getmonth() + 1, 1);         var monthlength = (monthend - monthstart) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24);         return monthlength;     } 

thanks help


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