web - Methods for pushing data from webserver to browser -

i find myself in need update clients browser latest information of server. typically perform periodic xhr through ajax. not responsive relies heavily on interval. wondering if there 'better' or more modern options.

let's take example of instant messaging. if @ websites such facebook, messages virtually passed client. don't see periodic xhr when checking browser tools. wondering kind of technology big webapplications using? how can responsive? there real 'push' mechanism?

i aware of technologies push api , web notifications. these seem used built-in browser notifications.

i hope question not broad. have tried searching articles nothing find technical enough.

i chances facebook using irc. & go far of big web apps using form of irc communication.

you should able find php irc resources out there work hell of alot better periodic xhr through ajax.

xhr intended 1 clump of info. continually blasting several people every minute or less imagine agony server.

you wouldn't use curl , xml chat client maybe support tickets chat client hell no.


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