mysql - How fetch specified column by rows number in PHP -

i have table 5 column , lot of rows. want fetch column number 3 each rows select db , store them in variables compare together.

for example data:

row 1 | column 1  column 2 column 3   row 2 | column 1  column 2 column 3  

then want store column 3 each rows , store them in variables , compare variables :

variable 1 (row 1 , column 3) >=  or  =< variable 2 (row 2 , column 3)  

$query = "select * table"; $results = mysqli_query($con, $query);  $var = [];  while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($results)) {     $var[] = $row['column3']; } 

then can variables array.


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