android - How to find the power supply type through a fuel gauge? -

i trying integrate bq27531 fuel gauge i.mx6 som. schematic this: schematic.png (cropped

as shown in schematic, bq24192 charger not connected system's i2c line. registers in charger can accessed via fuel gauge if necessary. loaded bq27531 driver , battery fuel gauge shows in sysfs:

root@var_mx6:/ # ls /sys/class/power_supply/

i can read related fuel gauge via sysfs, includes battery capacity, current, voltage, temperature etc. however, cannot type of power supply (battery/ac/usb/wireless). information should come charger.

in batterymonitor.cpp, found sysfs expected show /sys/class/power_supply/ac/ directory when ac power source plugged in.

void batterymonitor::init(struct healthd_config *hc) { string8 path; char pval[property_value_max];  mhealthdconfig = hc; dir* dir = opendir(power_supply_sysfs_path); if (dir == null) {     klog_error(log_tag, "could not open %s\n", power_supply_sysfs_path); } else {     struct dirent* entry;      while ((entry = readdir(dir))) {         const char* name = entry->d_name;          if (!strcmp(name, ".") || !strcmp(name, ".."))             continue;          // "type" file in each subdirectory         path.clear();         path.appendformat("%s/%s/type", power_supply_sysfs_path, name);         switch(readpowersupplytype(path)) {         case android_power_supply_type_ac:         case android_power_supply_type_usb:         case android_power_supply_type_wireless:             path.clear();             path.appendformat("%s/%s/online", power_supply_sysfs_path, name);             if (access(path.string(), r_ok) == 0)                 mchargernames.add(string8(name));             break;          case android_power_supply_type_battery:             mbatterydevicepresent = true;              if (mhealthdconfig->batterystatuspath.isempty()) {                 path.clear();                 path.appendformat("%s/%s/status", power_supply_sysfs_path,                                   name);                 if (access(path, r_ok) == 0)                     mhealthdconfig->batterystatuspath = path;             }              if (mhealthdconfig->batteryhealthpath.isempty()) {                 path.clear();                 path.appendformat("%s/%s/health", power_supply_sysfs_path,                                   name);                 if (access(path, r_ok) == 0)                     mhealthdconfig->batteryhealthpath = path;             }              if (mhealthdconfig->batterypresentpath.isempty()) {                 path.clear();                 path.appendformat("%s/%s/present", power_supply_sysfs_path,                                   name);                 if (access(path, r_ok) == 0)                     mhealthdconfig->batterypresentpath = path;             }              if (mhealthdconfig->batterycapacitypath.isempty()) {                 path.clear();                 path.appendformat("%s/%s/capacity", power_supply_sysfs_path,                                   name);                 if (access(path, r_ok) == 0)                     mhealthdconfig->batterycapacitypath = path;             }              if (mhealthdconfig->batteryvoltagepath.isempty()) {                 path.clear();                 path.appendformat("%s/%s/voltage_now",                                   power_supply_sysfs_path, name);                 if (access(path, r_ok) == 0) {                     mhealthdconfig->batteryvoltagepath = path;                 } else {                     path.clear();                     path.appendformat("%s/%s/batt_vol",                                       power_supply_sysfs_path, name);                     if (access(path, r_ok) == 0)                         mhealthdconfig->batteryvoltagepath = path;                 }             }              if (mhealthdconfig->batterycurrentnowpath.isempty()) {                 path.clear();                 path.appendformat("%s/%s/current_now",                                   power_supply_sysfs_path, name);                 if (access(path, r_ok) == 0)                     mhealthdconfig->batterycurrentnowpath = path;             }              if (mhealthdconfig->batterycurrentavgpath.isempty()) {                 path.clear();                 path.appendformat("%s/%s/current_avg",                                   power_supply_sysfs_path, name);                 if (access(path, r_ok) == 0)                     mhealthdconfig->batterycurrentavgpath = path;             }              if (mhealthdconfig->batterychargecounterpath.isempty()) {                 path.clear();                 path.appendformat("%s/%s/charge_counter",                                   power_supply_sysfs_path, name);                 if (access(path, r_ok) == 0)                     mhealthdconfig->batterychargecounterpath = path;             }              if (mhealthdconfig->batterytemperaturepath.isempty()) {                 path.clear();                 path.appendformat("%s/%s/temp", power_supply_sysfs_path,                                   name);                 if (access(path, r_ok) == 0) {                     mhealthdconfig->batterytemperaturepath = path;                 } else {                     path.clear();                     path.appendformat("%s/%s/batt_temp",                                       power_supply_sysfs_path, name);                     if (access(path, r_ok) == 0)                         mhealthdconfig->batterytemperaturepath = path;                 }             }              if (mhealthdconfig->batterytechnologypath.isempty()) {                 path.clear();                 path.appendformat("%s/%s/technology",                                   power_supply_sysfs_path, name);                 if (access(path, r_ok) == 0)                     mhealthdconfig->batterytechnologypath = path;             }              break;          case android_power_supply_type_unknown:             break;         }     }     closedir(dir); }  // indicates there no charger driver registered. // typically case devices not have battery , // , plugged ac mains. if (!mchargernames.size()) {     klog_error(log_tag, "no charger supplies found\n");     mbatteryfixedcapacity = always_plugged_capacity;     mbatteryfixedtemperature = fake_battery_temperature;     malwayspluggeddevice = true; } if (!mbatterydevicepresent) {     klog_warning(log_tag, "no battery devices found\n");     hc->periodic_chores_interval_fast = -1;     hc->periodic_chores_interval_slow = -1; } else {     if (mhealthdconfig->batterystatuspath.isempty())         klog_warning(log_tag, "batterystatuspath not found\n");     if (mhealthdconfig->batteryhealthpath.isempty())         klog_warning(log_tag, "batteryhealthpath not found\n");     if (mhealthdconfig->batterypresentpath.isempty())         klog_warning(log_tag, "batterypresentpath not found\n");     if (mhealthdconfig->batterycapacitypath.isempty())         klog_warning(log_tag, "batterycapacitypath not found\n");     if (mhealthdconfig->batteryvoltagepath.isempty())         klog_warning(log_tag, "batteryvoltagepath not found\n");     if (mhealthdconfig->batterytemperaturepath.isempty())         klog_warning(log_tag, "batterytemperaturepath not found\n");     if (mhealthdconfig->batterytechnologypath.isempty())         klog_warning(log_tag, "batterytechnologypath not found\n"); }  if (property_get("ro.boot.fake_battery", pval, null) > 0                                            && strtol(pval, null, 10) != 0) {     mbatteryfixedcapacity = fake_battery_capacity;     mbatteryfixedtemperature = fake_battery_temperature; } } 

i not know how ac folder appear under sysfs. there no ac driver far know , cannot load driver charger (bq24192) directly not connected system's i2c bus. how can find out power supply type then? "no charger supplies found" message produced batterymonitor way.


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